The Difference Between a Tuple and an Array in TypeScript

I recently made a small utility for converting an array to an object.  I was exploring the syntax for the 2-dimensional array and wanted to investigate when a tuple was a better data structure.

In my utility code below, I originally structured the array parameter as a 2-dimensional array.  However, in this case I always want exactly two elements in each entry of the inner array. I always want both elements to be strings. Since I am precise about both the length of each item in the inner array and about the type of each item in the inner array, this is exactly the time to use a tuple.

export const twoDimArrayToObject = function(array: string[][]) {
    const returnObject: {
        [key: string]: string
    } = {};
    array.forEach((element) => {
        returnObject[element[0]] = element[1];
    return returnObject;

What’s the Difference?

Tuples are similar to arrays but more precise.  Tuples have a precise number of elements (disregarding optional params).  Tuples can also have a variety of types of elements, i.e. [string, number, string[]].

The New Code

Naturally, I typed the param as an array of tuples in the function declaration. 

export const twoDimArrayToObject = function(array: [string, string][]) {
    const returnObject: {
        [key: string]: string   
    } = {};
    array.forEach((element) => {
        returnObject[element[0]] = element[1];
    return returnObject;

Interestingly, I had to specifically tell the compiler that the value to be passed in was an array of tuples.  The compiler tried to auto type it as string[][] and threw a compile time error.

const twoDimArray: [string, string][] = [ //had to type it here
    ['state', 'Texas'],
    ['county', 'Tarrant'],
    ['city', 'Ft. Worth']

The output is the same with either typing strategy. However, choosing the proper type conveys your intentions to your teammates and anyone who maintains the code later.

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