The Essential Guide to MUI Styled Components (Complete Example!)

Material-UI version 5 made the styled API one of two primary component styling APIs. Unfortunately, the complexity of styled componenents in Material-UI increased exponentially. For example, now developers must decide: My goal with this guide is to aid the 90% of developers who want a simple setup for using Styled Components with MUI. I will … Read more

Add Hover Styling to a Material-UI Button with Styled Components

Material-UI is compatible with the popular Styled Components library. While MUI normally uses JSS, devs can choose whichever styling library they prefer. Most of the Material-UI docs give examples using JSS and it can be difficult to figure out proper syntax for combining MUI with Styled Components. However, buried deep inside the MUI docs is … Read more

JSS vs Styled Components: Deciding Which to Use

JSS and Styled Components are two excellent styling libraries with wide usage, strong features, and popular support. As of September 2021, both libraries are hovering around the 2.5 million weekly downloads mark. If you are comparing JSS vs Styled Components for a new project, the below examples and guide should help you make a decision. … Read more