Material-Table for React: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

Material-Table is a relatively new addition to the suite of libraries providing data table functionality in React. The particular claims to fame for material-table is that it is quick to get running and built on Material-UI. It is a Table component that augments the existing Material-UI Table. In this intro to material-table I’ll implement a few material-table examples and discuss the pros and cons.

First, some stats:

  • The first material-table version was released in 2018
  • As of writing this, material-table runs about 100k weekly downloads (one quarter of react-table)
  • 292kB unpacked size (one third of react-table) but it does require Material-UI which is pretty hefty.

So we’ve got a table that is relatively popular (read: good community support) and, if you’re already using MUI in your app, material-table doesn’t add too much additional weight. From here, let’s dive into actual code. I will investigate the following:

  • How quickly can I spin up the most basic table
  • How quickly can we add a few out-of-the-box features: I will add an action and override a component. These are the first two features listed in the docs. I will also add styling because that will be almost universally desired.
  • How quickly can I find a solution to some kind of customization I want to do: I decided I simply wanted to remove the title but not the search box.

Here’s the final Code Sandbox. We’ll build it together in the steps below.

A Material-Table Example

I’d peg spinning up the most basic material-table example in codesandbox at less than two minutes. It was as simple as:

  • use the codesandbox react template
  • include @material-ui/core, @material-ui/icons, and material-table as dependencies
  • Stealing code similar to the following from the docs:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import MaterialTable from "material-table";

export default function App() {
  const [data, setData] = useState([
    { name: "Jon", job: "Software Dev", age: 29 }
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Material-Table Demo</h1>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: "100%" }}>
              title: "Name",
              field: "name"
            { title: "Occupation", field: "job" },
            { title: "Age", field: "age", type: "numeric" }
          title="Material-Table Demo"

The docs were clear and the only dependency is @material-ui/core (m-ui icons are recommended). I’d label this a beginner-friendly library.

Two out of the box features + styling

Being relatively unfamiliar with material-table before jumping into this post, I of course chose a very un-scientific approach to deciding how to explore the library: I picked the first two key features listed and implemented them.

The first feature I will explore is Actions.

The Simple Action Example from the docs was as short as the following:

      icon: () => <SaveIcon />,
      tooltip: "Save User",
      onClick: (event, rowData) => alert("You saved " +

This results in an alert popping up. So far, so good. But….

I tried the Duplicate Action Example in the docs and was unsuccessful in getting it to run. The sample code still uses Class syntax (most material-table examples are functional components), and I believe it is not compatible with functional components. I kept getting a “ is not a function” error even after two hours of attempted work-arounds.

There were several other action examples that didn’t use Class syntax and I expect they would work fine. Also, I explored the editable feature in this post. It encapsulates three actions and worked great.

The second feature I will explore is Component Overriding. The docs were excellent here.

I tried the Action override (the second example) and that worked perfectly:

   Action: props => (
         onClick={event => props.action.onClick(event,}
         style={{ textTransform: "none" }}

Remember that this button is a MUI button; that is where the configs on it come from.

I also attempted a Row override. It took me a bit to figure out, but you are required to use MTableBodyRow in somewhere in the Row override. MTableBodyRow is imported from material-table. This implies that these overrides are more about adding additional functionality than fundamentally changing the table behavior.

Finally, I took a look at Styling.

Styling was a breeze. It was reminiscent of Material-UI styling where specific names are provided in the API to make styling easy. I ran into no issues.

This is a way to provide default styling to the header.

   headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: '#01579b',
      color: '#FFF'

One cool feature was that the individual columns could receive a style to override the default provided:

         title: "Name",
         field: "name",
         headerStyle: {
            backgroundColor: "green"

Related to styling, consider using the MUI Skeleton as a loading indicator while your table is loading. It has a great look and feel that improves the user’s perception of page load time.

Material-Table for React Customization and Support

I decided to remove the title as a quick test of customization. A quick Google search returned an issue opened in February. I was impressed to see the library creator with a same day response for the issue. Furthermore, another user responded with an alternative suggestion. While my request was pretty simple, I was still surprised at how easy it was to find a solution. Essentially no digging was required.

Material-Table forum screenshot

Material-Table Pros and Cons


  • Consider material-table if you are already using Material UI.
  • The docs are easy to follow and a simple example can be spun up in less than five minutes.
  • Customization is relatively easy if you consider the fact that someone else has probably done the thing you are trying to do.
  • Impressive support from the library creator and community.

DRAWBACKS: some examples don’t work and it seems the docs need to be fully updated for React hooks syntax. If you have ever used material-table and got some of the options working that I struggled with, please leave a comment below.

All things considered, material-table is a great library. I hope this introduction to material-table for React will give you another great data table to choose from when designing a great UI. Click here for a YouTube version of this post.

MUI Material-Table Vs DataGrid

The material-table component is highly customizable and a good all-purpose component for displaying data. The Material-UI DataGrid is intended for displaying massive quantities of data. It is far less customizable due to the internal calculations it needs for virtualizing and optimizing large datasets (but it has lots of available props out-of-the-box). To read more about the DataGrid, see the following:

The Ultimate Guide to Customizing the Material-UI DataGrid


Here are some additional articles I have written on Material-UI Table component customizations:

Test your JavaScript knowledge with these 50 difficult questions.

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