How I Built an Online Business That Any Software Developer Could Build

My Spoke-And-Wheel Business Model Inspired By James Altucher Back in April 2020 I started getting worried. The world was turning upside down for most people, significant (and apparently not temporary) layoffs were happening across the U.S., and even those of us fortunate enough to be able to work from home were not safe. On top … Read more

The Complete Guide to MUI Grid Item Alignment (v4 and v5)

This guide focuses on aligning items in every conceivable way in Material-UI Grid: aligning right, left, and horizontally centered; aligning top, bottom, and vertically centered. In this example I will use the Material-UI Grid, but the alignment principles apply for aligning all MUI components. You will learn how to align items in any vertical or … Read more

Material-UI’s Grid Component vs Flexbox, Bootstrap, and CSS Grid

The Material-UI Grid Component is MUI’s grid system solution. It also has the features and APIs of MUI components that MUI users are familiar with. The question when considering using MUI Grid is: will this be superior to other grid alternatives? YouTube video version of this article here: Flexbox, Bootstrap, and CSS Grid have proven … Read more

The Essential Guide to Framer Motion (With Examples)

A critical look at the docs plus animate, transition, and gesture examples. Framer Motion is an animation and gesture library that has had an incredible growth in popularity in the last year. Take a look at these downloads — one year ago and today: Given these numbers, familiarity with the library is a smart move. We’ll take a … Read more